Spring 2025 Information Sheet & Calendar
Welcome to the Olds Community Chorus where we are a
community that loves to Sing, Learn, and Grow!
Please feel free to share this information with others
who might be interested in joining us this season.
Regular rehearsals are held every MONDAY evening, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Hope Point Church,
5402 – 43rd Street, Olds.
Our weekly rehearsals will be most effective if each chorus member practices throughout the week. Our pieces are on our website in your specific voicing, as well as full chorus and accompaniment tracks:
Members’ section: OldsCommunityChorus.com/members
Password: spring25 (case sensitive, no spaces)
A note from Terry about extra rehearsals:
If you would like smaller group help or a private session, please contact me directly. I’m happy to go through any particular pieces if you need extra help. I can be reached on my cell at 403-891-9458 (text preferred) or by email at theresawasden@gmail.com. Additional rehearsals can be held at my home – 1501 21 Ave., Didsbury. Please feel free to park at the back and come to the back door when you arrive.
Rehearsal Etiquette
- Rehearsals begin at 7:00 p.m. sharp, so please arrive before that if possible. We will have a short break in the middle of the rehearsal.
- To get the best performance, we ask that you attend weekly rehearsals (unless exceptional circumstances intervene). If you expect to miss several rehearsals, please discuss this with Terry.
- Bring your music and a soft-lead pencil. If you miss a rehearsal, find out what you missed from someone in your section (music markings, additions, deletions, changes).
- Please limit conversation to the break.
- No chewing gum.
- Perfumes or scents are not allowed due to allergic reactions in some people.
The membership fee is $75.00 for adults and $37.00 for students, payable within the first three weeks of rehearsals. We accept e-transfer (payable to payment@oldscommunitychorus.com), cheque (payable to “Olds Community Chorus”), or cash. The membership fee contributes to covering the expenses of the chorus which include:
- Purchasing music
- Printing music, posters, programs, and tickets
- Newspaper advertisements
- Facility rental for practice and performance
- Piano tuning, etc.
The Olds Community Chorus is inclusive and realizes the importance of singing to quality of life. We believe cost should not be a barrier. If you or someone you know would like to join the chorus but would have difficulty paying the fee, please speak to a board member about having fees reduced or waived.
Music Use
Music is loaned to you from our choral library, and you must return it at the end of each season OR immediately if you leave the chorus before the current session concludes. Please take care of your music. You are assigned a number that appears on all your music. Use a soft lead pencil to make notations. Do not use ink pens or highlighters on your music.You may punch holes in music from our own library. Please repair any tears in your music. You may erase all previous markings when you receive your music. If your music is not returned, you will be invoiced for the cost of any missing pieces.
Music Rehearsal ScheduleMONDAY evenings 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Hope Pointe Church.
January 13, 15, 20, 27
February 3, 10, 17, 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
April 7, 14, 21, 28
Monday, May 5 Dress Rehearsal at Olds First Baptist Church
Stage setup – 6:00
Musicians setup & chorus arrives – 6:30 p.m.
Run through – 7:00
Performance date TBC Concert at Olds First Baptist Church
FOH, hall and stage setup – 5:00
Musician setup & chorus sound check – 6:00
Show begins – 7:00
Thank you for joining us for this Spring Season!