Olds Community Chorus Member Opinion Survey – FULL

What should the money earned from the casino be put towards? Keep in mind there are regulations we have to follow on what it can be spent on. Some examples we can use the money for are: facility rentals, honorariums, equipment, promotional activities (such as advertisements, brochures, pamphlets, signs).

  • All the above suggestions cost money and we should use the money to help with our expenses.
  • Rentals, salaries, Any of the above . ? Choir caps?? Not gowns .. co ordination
  • practice rental space, honorariums for director and pianist
  • all of the above & music when needed. Maybe new scarves for Christmas so we can have different ones every other year?
  • Facility rental for storage and rehearsals and concerts Honorariums
  • Obvious annual expenses that we incur such as honorariums, facility rental, advertising etc. as mentioned above. Storage unit for music such as the purchase of a seacan or renting a storage unit. By covering those annual expenses with casino money, perhaps we could consider reducing concert tickets so more people will come to the concerts especially during these difficult economic times. The more people who attend the more exposure and possible new chorus members. Also reducing membership fees if this too is a barrier for some to join.
  • It should help us pay for the ongoing needs of the chorus. How much does Terry receive for the hours she puts in? Can it go to honorariums? I’d say music, but it sounds like we have more than we’ll use in 20 years. Promotions are good. Facility rentals. There’s likely a long list of things it could pay for, but without that list, it’s hard to say.
  • All of those things would be acceptable to spend the money on.
  • No thoughts at this time. I trust the judgement of the Board.
  • All of the above! Is the honourarium for the pianist enough to cover her mileage and travel time in addition to her playing time? That seems like an appropriate use of casino funds to me.
  • I am new to the Community Chorus so don’t really have any insight into where money is needed/could best be used.
  • Existing Operational expenses
  • I heard the messiah was going to be expensive. We should have. How about a road trip partially paid for. Concert….messiah sing along. Alberta choral seminar…Rosebud theater. Jubilation…banff orchestra…
  • Facility Rentals & Honorariums
  • Professional honoraria for professional musicians are quite high and need to meet union standards so the casino funds are a great way to pay musicians if the choir wants to create a performance with an ensemble type production. Also, purchase of music and rental of space for storage of music
  • Advertisement Paying Jim and Twyla for Maintaining website Paying for booklets for the Audience with words to the songs to follow when we have a Sing a Long concert. Costumes for when we have a night at a musical. Les Miserable or Disney one. New music Instruments : jingle bells, kazoos, finger chimes, Paying for a person to play music during intermission; Cello, guitar or piano. Or a 2/3 person group that gets hired. Pay the Librarian Pay the Director
  • Those items directly associated with the chorus: facility rental, honorariums to director and accompanist, music purchases, necessary promotional activities. This could help reduce the need to further increase membership fees.
  • Honorariums, advertising and equipment to safely store the music library.
  • All of the above, as the needs arise in each category.
  • Hi April. Correction: Keep in mind there “are” regulations…

Would you like to see some of the money be put towards new music? If so what genres/songs would you like to include.

  • Yes, some money should be put toward music. I am sure the songs Terry picks would be appropriate.
  • Yes…. Does matter
  • I love the music Terry picks. She always has a variety of genres which always seem to “fit” together!! This is a skill & talent which I am grateful she shares with us.
  • Surely with 75 boxes we have most of what we need? Maybe one or two new/popular songs each session. COUNTRY
  • yes
  • It was fun doing the Frozen musical, so more Disney or movie genres possibly, like the Lion King Medley. Broadway Negro spirituals Possibly an entire musical of some sort….for Easter
  • We already have the Messiah. I would like to do that sometime soon. Other than that, I’m not sure we need to buy music. Like I said in the previous question, we have more than we’ll use. Has Karole-Ann had the time to catalogue all of that by genre, range, difficulty, part designations (SSAB, SATB, SAT, etc.)? Goodness, that’s a lot of music! I would be very surprised if she has. She might need to get some sleep if she has.
  • I think that we have an extensive library of music already to draw from
  • It’s all new for me and has been a broader range of music than I have ever sung before. But by all means, keep adding new music. Maybe something contemporary that younger people might recognize.
  • I don’t know what music is already available, so can’t comment with anything pertinent.
  • Strategy for each concert should be to use 70% music from existing library and 30% new music. Variety from all genres. More complex arrangements at Christmas would alleviate boredom from simplistic songs or carols that everyone knows and has sung forever.
  • Sure harder the better. Let Terry decide. She is good
  • Yes – Folk Songs
  • You should definitely invest in music if you can. Personally I think this is where the artistic director should have complete freedom of choice- and it is wonderful to get ideas from your members.
  • Yes please. I think doing a musicial would go over well. At Christmas time a Disney one in the spring a serious one like Hamilton or Les mis.
  • Handel’s Messiah would be good! 🙂 Including a variety of styles is good, which I would like to see include a few more classic works included
  • Canadian choral compositions, current pop, current musicals
  • If new music is needed, what with the recent donation of music, then certainly this would be a viable option for the money. Well thought out contemporary Christmas and Seasonal, as well as some blends of old standards. Maybe a themed concert idea and selections to fit. Such as a 50’s 60’s theme of doo-wap style. Or maybe a complete Christmas package of old standards that everyone is familiar with, but of course arranged for choir.
  • Great question Correction: some “of” the money…

What would improve your experience with the chorus?

  • It’s great right now.
  • I don’t have any suggestions.
  • Sectionals
  • so far: excellent!
  • Less chatting and/or confrontations by the members.
  • A different venue. It is very difficult to hear in the United Church and hard to hear all the voices together
  • Cover the repertoire more thoroughly, and vary the rehearsal schedule. I’d actually like to stand more for better support. If there are those who need to sit, we need to make sure they’re on the edges so they can easily see Terry.
  • encouraging more people to join?
  • I think that people should sing the parts that they choose. It is very confusing when people in your section sing other parts.
  • The Messiah.
  • Still learning, but I would appreciate a brief “warm up” for my voice at the beginning of rehearsal.
  • More complex arrangements of music. Esp at Christmas. Fewer solo parts – we are a chorus, and sometimes the soloists are not up to the challenge (e.g. NW Passage, Mary did you know…) and too many solo parts or repeat soloists has potential to create resentment in members at not being selected. Some sopranos cannot hit high notes…not a good sound. Maybe Director could switch them to S2 or alto. Voice checks for new members might help to place in best voice part. Also, starting on time would be great.
  • More time spent on parts
  • I thoroughly enjoy it as it is.
  • The reason to hire a conductor/artistic director is for his/her/their expertise and what she/he/they bring to the organization. I personally would like to see more respect and honour given to your conductor. You’re all very privileged to have her.
  • Having the Terry music on a CD please.
  • It seems that some songs each season get left to the end, while there’s a lot of practice of others. It’s ended up with songs at concert time which I’ve hardly even heard if I happen to miss a practice or two.
  • Chorus members being quiet so instructions don’t have to be repeated several times.
  • Longer rehearsals by 1/2 hour and a longer season for rehearsals between concerts. I personally feel overwhelmed learning it all. Not enough to quit choir, but you asked my opinion … so… lol!
  • Super

Does your time allow for some volunteering with the chorus (like being on a committee or joining the board)? Select other to comment.

  • Other: Generally no, but one-off requests, I can do
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Other: once I’ve been with the chorus for a couple of years, might consider being on a committee. At this point, learning the way this choir & director work is good for me.
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Other: No comment.
  • Other: occasionally for specific one time events
  • Other: On an as needed badis
  • Other: Not yet. Possibly in the future.
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Other: My life is extremely busy with work and looking after family which doesn’t allow for volunteering or being on the board.
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Other: Already on board, etc.
  • No
  • Other: Super

For members who participated in the summer presentation, did you find it worthwhile and would you be interested in this kind of program again? Select other to comment.

  • Yes
  • I did not attend
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Other: It was great to have something half way in the summer. Reminded me how much we loose [don’t remember] when not practicing every week. The venue was difficult to sing in. When we practiced at the church i thought it sounded great & when we were in the Trans Canada it was hard to hear the piano and each other. Seems the sound when up the 50 feet above us?
  • I did not attend
  • I did not attend
  • I did not attend
  • Other: Maybe. Summers get busy. I’ll consider it.
  • Yes
  • Other: i enjoyed singing the concert songs again. Impronto flash mob type things would be great fun!
  • I did not attend
  • Other: Couldn’t attend, but I like the idea!
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • I did not attend
  • Other: I would definitely be interested if it doesn’t interfere with summer holidays
  • I did not attend
  • Other: I think a musical score would be nice.
  • Other: Perhaps, depending on what it is, timing, etc.
  • Yes
  • Other: Any opportunity to sing should be pursued to promote the chorus.
  • No
  • Other: Great. Could we add your idea about asking for any other comments you would like to share? Thank you again for putting this together. Terry

Any other comments that you would like to share.

  • Thanks for this opportunity we have.
  • Not at this time.
  • Enjoy the director as well as the selection of music.
  • Thursday nights are a highlight of my week. I think we are very blessed to have such talented leaders.
  • Thank you to Terry, Kathleen, Karol Ann and board/committee members who do work behind the scenes!! It’s appreciated!!
  • I love singing in our chorus. I appreciate the patience of the director and the more gifted and knowledgeable members who support my efforts.
  • The board is doing a great job and I appreciate the opportunity to give some feedback and thought towards how our money should be spent. One last thought… perhaps an honorarium should go to the librarian if we don’t get a volunteer. It is a huge job and we were very blessed to have Carole-Ann take on this role for so many years!
  • No, thank you.
  • Terry is a great leader and I enjoy choir alot. Anything that keeps it going is worth to spend the money on.
  • I love the more structured practices this year, keeping side comments to a minimum and focusing on the task. Terry is doing a great job of directing and controlling the direction of the practice. Thank you so much.
  • I love being in this choir! It’s a great group of people and so much fun. I really appreciate all the expertise that makes this all possible. I have learned a lot! Thank you.
  • Thank you Director and Board for all your work and commitment.
  • 2 concerts. Inviting other choirs to join. Singing with other choirs.
  • I find great joy in being able to participate in the chorus. It is a wonderful release from everyday life.
  • It’s wonderful that Olds is able to have a community choir!
  • Perhaps have the different sections come to the piano Occasionally and sing for the director to clearly hear who needs help and for that person to clearly hear the correct notes and Rhythm on the piano.
  • I (and many others) were looking forward to the Messiah. It is unfortunate that it was dropped without any reason given. It raises way too many questions among chorus members — and will with the audience who was told it would be part of our Christmas concert.
  • Everyone is so great. Our pianist and our leader are THE BEST of THE BEST!